State Testing Information
1.) This is a mandatory state test. Every student is required to take these tests according to the State of Ohio.
2.) Seventh grade students will be tested in English Language Arts and Math. Eighth grade students will be tested in English Language Arts, Math, and Science.
3.) Test dates for each school year are April through May.
4.) Preparation: Your child has been working hard all year to prepare for the state tests. If you would like additional practice resources go to Go to Parent Resources and click on More. Scroll to Middle Level Schools and click on Ohio´s State Tests. Click on English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. In the Quick Link box on the left side. Click on Sample Test Items and Practice.
5.) Attendance: Please make every effort to get your child to school on time on testing days. If your child is going to be absent for any reason on testing day, please call the school office as soon as possible (993.2614). Once your child returns to school, arrangements will be made to make-up the test by the school counselor, Mrs. Kolkowski. Please make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations around the testing schedule.
6.) Breakfast: Please be sure your child eats a healthy breakfast on the days that they test.
7.) Rest: Please make sure your child gets a full night of sleep on the evenings before they have take the state tests.
8.) Results: Test results will be reported back to the school district by the Ohio Department of Education.
Testing time can cause anxiety in students. Feel free to send a note in your child’s folder, lunch, or bookbag on testing days to let them know how proud you are of their efforts. Please let your child know that all we ask is for them to do their very best work on the test! If you have any questions about testing, please call Mrs. Kolkowski at 993.2617.