- AACS District One Plan 2023-2026
- LJHS PBIS Handbook
- LJHS PBIS Behavior Matrix
- LJHS PBIS Behavior Flow Chart
- LJHS PBIS Behavior Definitions
- LJHS PBIS Parent Nominate Their Student Form
PBIS: Connecting the dots between school and home!
Dear Lakeside Junior High Parents,
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a program supported by the Ohio Department of Educations and Ashtabula Area City Schools to promote and maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence. It is a school-wide strategy for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals. We know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning. Our school is proud to continue to be a part of this exciting initiative! In addition to PBIS, our school is implementing Restorative Practices (RP). Restorative Practices are a framework for building community and for responding to challenging behavior through authentic dialogue, coming to understanding, and making things right. The five pillars of restorative practices are: address and discuss the needs of the school community, build healthy relationships between educators and students, resolve conflict, hold individuals and groups accountable, repair harm and restore positive relationships, and reduce, prevent, and improve harmful behavior. Please see attachment to help connect the dots between school and home. Thank you for all you do to support your child in learning and growing at LJHS!